4 Reasons You’re Seeing Low Conversion Rates

Jun 5, 2024Uncategorized0 comments

digital marketing

There’s nothing more disheartening than putting your heart and soul into your business website only to see low conversion rates. According to Forbes, 21% of business owners say low traffic is an issue with their website. This is a common issue seen by digital marketing agencies. However, we have all the tips and tricks to help you increase your traffic and conversion rates.

1. Poor Search Engine Optimization

Investing in SEO or a marketing agency specializing in SEO is a great way to increase traffic. SEO involves using specific keywords to help search engine algorithms learn what your website is about. Unique tactics are used to increase ranking on search engine page results. The more visitors you have, the more conversions you’ll see.

2. Slow Loading Times

Slow loading times are a double whammy for businesses. Algorithms, especially the Google algorithm, downrank websites with poor loading times. When visitors stumble across your page, they are more likely to click away sooner because the page takes too long to load. This can lead to fewer visitors and higher conversion rates.

3. Lack of a Target Audience

Your target audience is the people to whom all your marketing efforts should be directed. If you’re attracting people but not seeing conversion rates, it could be because you’re attracting the wrong people. SEO efforts might bring visitors, but they aren’t the target audience for your products, leading to a low conversion rate. Digital marketing agencies can help you discover who your target audience is to ensure your marketing efforts reach the right crowd.

4. Poor Checkout Process

Sometimes, low conversion rates have nothing to do with your digital marketing. You may have a lengthy checkout process that people don’t have the patience for. Visitors like to check out as quickly as possible. Slow load times can lead them to leave the page and find elsewhere to shop. If you only accept a couple of forms of payment, that’s also a problem. Utilize Google Analytics to see when people leave your site and determine if that’s a problem.

Digital marketing can help you discover why you have a low conversion rate or little traffic. Professionals will decrease load times, give your website the professional appearance it needs, and more in order to help you see the growth you want. Contact us at Arctic Marketing today to learn more about our services.

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